Have you heard the news that the driving age could be increased to 18? And that new drivers under the age of 30 will have a night-time curfew for 12 months, where they cannot drive their vehicle between the hours of 22.00 and 05.00? However, if they are carrying a passenger over the age of 30, they can drive at night. These newly qualified drivers would also be banned from carrying anyone below the age of 30 until the 12 month learner stage is completed.
This is ridiculous. It doesn't even apply to me because I have a full driving license already. I feel so sorry for those new drivers, if this law comes into play. It suggests that you can receive a provisional driving license at the age of 17, but won't be able to take your test until you are 18. Said people will have to complete, as before mentioned, a learner stage in which they have to clock up at least 100 hours of daytime driving and 20 hours of supervised night-time driving.